Register to vote, change address, or change party affiliation online here
Download voter registration mail-in forms here
Download absentee ballot applications here; if applying for a family member, download here
These downloads require Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded here
Listing of 2024 ballot questions is here
FREETOWN ELECTION LOCATIONS Freetown Elementary School, 43 Bullock Rd. Town elections are held noon - 8 p.m. Federal and state elections are held 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Find out your elected officials and voting information here
NATIONAL PARTIES: Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, Green,
and Constitution.
BALLOT STATUS PARTIES IN MASS: Democratic (D) and Republican (R),
STATE POLITICAL DESIGNATIONS: Conservative (A), Natural Law <state site> (B), New World Council (C), Reform (E), Rainbow Coalition (F), Green Party USA (G), We the People (H), Green-Rainbow (J),
Constitution (K),
Libertarian (L)
Timesizing Not Downsizing (M), New Alliance (N), Mass Independent (O),
Prohibition <alternate site> (P), American Independent Party (Q), Socialist <state site> (S), Interdependent 3rd Party (T), America First Party (V), Veteran's Party of America (W), Pirate (X),
World Citizens Party (Y), Working Families (Z), Pizza Party (AA), American Term Limits (BB),
United Independent (CC), Twelve Visions (DD),
Latino-Vote Party (EE),
The People's Party (FF), Unity Party, Worker's Party , Forward Party
STATE OFFICES: Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney General, Auditor
LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS: Coalition for Social Justice Concerned Citizens of Freetown
Freetown Supports Excel and Freetown Opposes Excel
Greater S.E. Mass Labor Council Jobs with Justice
South Coast Neighbors United (anti LNG) and LNG Facts (pro LNG)
Enrolling as unenrolled (U) or a political designation means that one can vote in any primary. Enrolling as a party with ballot status means one can vote in that party's primary only.
RECOMMENDED SITES: Boston.com local budget coverage Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit Citizens for Limited Taxation Congress.org C-Span Daily Kos DC's Political Report (Mass site) Dick Morris' web site Electoral Geography Fact check.org
Federal Elections Commission/Campaign Finance Reports Follow the Money (money in state politics) Free Republic Howie Carr Show Huffington Post
Mass blogs: Blue Mass Group, Red Mass Group Mass Office of Campaign Finance Move On.org Open Secrets and Fundrace.org (money in federal politics)
Politics One (Mass. site) Presidential Campaign Commercials Project Vote Smart Real Clear Politics Robert's Rules of Order Secretary of State's Elections Site Skeleton Closet (about the presidential candidates) State Ethics Commission Survey USA Town Hall US Election Atlas/Electoral results