OFFICES HELD: ELECTED: Member: Freetown Finance Committee (1997-2002) Member: Freetown Board of Library Trustees (1995-1997)
APPOINTED: Town Government Procedures Improvement Comm. Freetown Cable Committee
EDUCATION: Master of Business Administration, Nichols College (2004)
B.A. psychology/political science, University of Massachusetts (1992)
Graduate business administration and education courses, UMass
Legal assistant certificate, Bristol Community College (1995)
New Bedford High School (1989) Junior ROTC (C/1LT, Captain: Honor Guard, Rifle Team)
EMPLOYMENT: New Directions SouthCoast
Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board
Quaker Fabric Corp. of F.R. Freetown Finance Committee (completed research that led to a survey of Freetown's taxpayers and the town administrator by-law). Town of Westport Town of Raynham Adesa Impact Town of Middleboro The Weekly Journal, contributing writer Freetown/Lakeville Schools, Berkley Community School, and D.L. Beckwith M.S. (Rehoboth), sub. teacher Town of Freetown, Election Inspector UMass Dartmouth, teaching assistant - Intro. to Comparative Politics